Auckland Hockey were successful in an application to the Hockey Foundation during lockdown for a Club Lead Coach Initiative.

The initiative has seen each AKH Club nominate a suitable Coach(es), endorsed by Auckland Hockey, to receive monthly Coach Development for the next 12 months from Auckland Hockey and for the Lead Coaches to then deliver monthly sessions with players and coaches at the junior, youth and club level. The programme officially starts in August and to date tester-sessions both at Auckland Hockey and on the turf at SDHC, HPAK, Masters Womens, AISC and Waitakere have been well received with many learnings enabling Auckland Hockey coaching staff to tweak sessions going forward with each Lead Coach to cater for the various club contexts.
Lockdown provided an opportunity for the Auckland Coach Development Manager and CEO to utilise their experience and develop and design an ages and stages curriculum for use with rep and club and school players from year 1 to 13. The curriculum was designed with input from some top hockey minds and people including Ryan Archibald, Kevin Towns, Shane McLeod (Belgium) and Andreu Enrich (Spain and Germany) and Warren Birmingham (in his earlier work with us) and is used as the basis of the education sessions both at Auckland Hockey and in the Clubs in this initiative. It is expected that the next phase of this Club Lead Coach initiative involves:
a. Addition to the curriculum of a Goalkeeping strand (WIP atm) and Umpiring strand (WIP atm) and
b. rollout in 2021 to a group of both secondary and primary school lead coaches nominated by Principals and en
dorsed by Auckland Hockey.
Congratulations to the following coaches who we know will do a great job helping us to improve the experiences of coaches and players through this programme:
Kim Archibald (Somerville)
Clive Daniels (Howick Pakuranga)
Tori Vao (Roskill Eden)
Sophie Richards (University)
Marcus Child and Jono Brooker (SDHC) TBC
Raju Bhana (AISC)
Shane Mulcahy and Vic Methven (WDHC)
Merrin Laurenson (MEHC)
Marcus Thomas and Blaise Monteiro (GWHC)
Sandie Mackie (Masters Womens)
Ben Wu (Waitakere)
Bruce Brownsey (AHUA)