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AKH Stakeholder Survey

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Dear AKH Stakeholders, 

Please take 5 minutes to complete the attached survey to help us understand what we can offer to our community upon any return to hockey in the coming months. It’s important we hear from as many people as possible.

At AKH we want to be in a position to make good decisions based on the views of a critical mass of club members in relation to the type of revised competitions, different formats etc that we can offer on any return to Hockey in coming months.

It is important you have your say so we can present this collective information to the AKH Club Presidents in coming weeks before we settle on some revised formats, draws and opportunities. 

Click here to take the survey

Thank you for taking the time in completing this survey. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.

In the meantime stay safe and well, and continue being kind.

James Sutherland
General Manager
Auckland Hockey


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