AKH President Ray Parmenter has kindly offered to donate the proceeds from the sale of loads of garden fertiliser!
Grab a trailer and grab a load of horse stable waste, mixed in non-tanalised wood shavings. This garden fertiliser is the greatest pick-me-up for trees, hedges, shrubs and the like. Fruit trees, especially, seem to thrive on it. |
Ray has generously donated to the AKH community as much of the fertiliser as we can take away, on the basis that the recipients donate $100 per trailer (any reasonable size) to Auckland Hockey. $100 per trailer compares brilliantly with $8 for a 20 litre bag at the garden centres.
So, Sunday 28 June, if you turn up at Ray’s residence in Clevedon between 9am and noon, Ray will load your trailer with his tractor and AHA staff will be there to collect the donation. Bring a cover for the trailer. Interested stakeholders should contact Manoj via email ceo@akhockey.org.nz in the first instance so the correct address can be given. |