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Club Support

Auckland Hockey is providing support to ensure the running of Hockey Clubs is efficient for those people that are making our sport happen. We have compiled a number of useful tools and links for our clubs, check back often as we will keep adding resources as they become available.

Auckland Hockey can assist your club by working with you on the following programmes:


The Club WOF provided by Sport NZ is an easy-to-use web-based tool that will help your Hockey club assess its strengths and weaknesses and give you feedback on how you can improve the way your club is run.  The Auckland Hockey Community Development Manager can assist your club complete the process and set any plans accordingly.


It is important for all clubs to have a picture of where you are going and what your future may look like.  One way of doing this is to have a Strategic Plan that your club is working towards.  The Community Development Manager can facilitate this process for you if you require assistance in this area.


AK Hockey is working with clubs to strengthen the development of players, coaches and volunteers in their hockey community.  The aim is to support clubs more effectively by offering expertise in specialist areas, such as upskilling coaches and assisting with club development programmes.

If you require any help or information for your club please contact Joe Hanks at

AKH proudly acknowledge the support of our Partners